Myanmar Study Background
The Women, Work and Violence in S/SE Asia research project covered the following components:
Community Study
This study focused on women from lower economic backgrounds in Yae Oak Kan village, which borders the industrial zone of the Hlaing Tharyar township in Yangon.
This community is surrounded by factories, most of which predominantly hire women.
Professional Level
Twenty interviews were conducted with women from good economic backgrounds working in professions in various sectors including medicine, the (I)NGO sector, corporate business and entrepreneurial activities.
Programme / Organisational Studies

Two studies were carried out in Myanmar. The first focussed on Akhaya which is a relatively prominent domestic NGO which regularly speaks out in public forums about women’s rights issues. A focus group approach was taken to engage with Akhaya staff, and with women engaged in Akhaya’s women’s empowerment training.

The second study looked at the UNDP self-reliance programme which works across Myanmar to promote women’s autonomy. Fifteen focus groups were conducted with women members from throughout Myanmar at a pre-organised UNDP gathering in Yangon. These women have been engaged in micro-finance activities, and more recently in anti-VAW training.
Case Study Activity
Let’s now examine the Myanmar context using the social ecology framework that was conducted as part of the research.
Reading 1: Context Report Myanmar
Reflection Questions
Insights from the study
Now read the following article by Zara Ramsay, written for the study, which gives insight into the realities of life for women in Myanmar. It is found within the Women, Work and Violence in South Asia Newsletter no.2.
Reading 2: What use is a job without freedom?
Reflective question:
Case Study Assignment
Now return to the Theme 1 Self Assessment Page