In the first part of the case study, we introduced the nature of the study undertaken in Pakistan, and reflected on an analysis of the experience of women working at different levels, and how they were affected by violence.
In this second part, we provide you with some further reading materials and resources from the study, and invite you to reflect on the findings.
Below you will find reading material and a Powerpoint presentation which will give you further insight relating to the study in Nepal, and the key findings at each of the levels:
- Preliminary Country Report (draft from early in the study)
- Key Findings Country Report (produced at the end of the study)
- PowerPoint Presentation (presented at a final uptake workshop)
As you study these materials consider the following questions, and note down your thoughts in a learning journal.
Reflection Questions
Further insights from the study
The resources below provide further reflections from the study, focussing on the experiences in Pakistan. The first resource is an article found within the Women, Work and Violence in South Asia Newsletter no.4. Here the Country team lead for the study, Fatimah Ishan and team member Laila Ashraf, offer their reflections on the study.
Reading: Reflections on the Pakistan VAW study
The second resource is an interview with Ms Fouzia Vaqar who is the Chairperson of the Provincial Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), Punjab, which is reproduced below:
Case Study Assignment
In this interview she talks about the role of PCSW. She discusses the problem of women’s economic empowerment in Pakistan and current indicators of women’s status. Whilst women’s participation in economic activity is increasing, but a lot of this relates to home based work when earnings are minimal and unrecognised, and women face a lot of harassment and denial of rights. She highlights areas where legislation is needed, and outlines some of the mechanisms already in place for providing support to women. The first part of the interview appears below: In the second part of the interview (which appears below), the discussion turns to inheritance rights and the links between women, property and honour. This part of the interview also talks about the economic impact of domestic violence, and the lack of control women often face in relation to their earnings.also PCSW offers a helpline service to women facing the types of problems discussed in the interview. |
Case Study Assignment
Please share the work you have done on this assignment with us, by emailing us at info@gendersouthasia.org, and indicate whether you are willing for this to be shared on the Gender in South Asia blog site. |
Now return to the Theme 3 Self Assessment Page
Theme 3: Findings – Self Assessment