Key Learning Points
Our first theme has introduced the topic of Violence Against Women, and explored the importance of context. It has also given you some initial insights from the VAW study the authors have been involved in, highlighting some of the theory and earlier research that influenced the design of the VAW study in Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan.
Some of the key learning points from this first unit of study are:
- The importance of context in influencing gender norms, and in turn in influencing how violence against women may be identified and experienced.
- The usefulness of having a framework, such as the social ecology model, that enables context to be examined and understood at different levels from individual up to societal
- The importance of exploring context specific factors at intersecting levels from individual up to global. This understanding can have greater value for programme design, than the more limited statements representing ‘universal’ understanding
Reflection Activity
Note down any additional learning points that you feel are significant in your learning journal |
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