Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences,
School of Area Studies, History, Politics & Literature
Centre for European & International Studies Research
Email: Lana.Chikhungu@port.ac.uk
Lana Chikhungu joined the University of Portsmouth in 2015 as a Senior Lecturer in International Development Studies and as a Course Leader for the MSc International Development. Before joining the University of Portsmouth, Lana taught research methods and demography modules at the Department of Demography and Social Statistics at the University of Southampton.
Through her skills and knowledge in demography and social statistics, Lana shaped the distinctiveness of the MSc International Development DL course through modules in Applied Research Methods for Development and Population Health and Development.
Lana’s research falls within the disciplines of public health, gender, demography and international development but her strong footing lies in population health and gender-related research, focusing on maternal health and child health in the Global South.
Her multi-disciplined educational and teaching backgrounds in the line of Economics, Demography Social Statistics, International Development, and Gender has shaped her research and work.
Her research contributed to the WHO 2015 guidelines for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission and she has also undertaken research on Female Genital Mutilation in Burkina Faso, and the prevention of girls dropping out of school and violence against women and girls in Malawi.
Lana belongs to the Wessex Global Health Network, which is aimed at helping academics and researchers involved in global health know what other researchers are doing in the United Kingdom or abroad.
She is also an Associate Editor for the International Journal for Equity in Health and an Academic Editor of PLOS Global Public Health journal.