Women, Work and Violence Project – Final Workshop Resources
On this page you will find a range of resources and presentations from the Nepal workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal in March 2017
PowerPoint presentations from the sessions can be downloaded here:
Videos from the workshop sessions

Dr Karuna Onta from DFID Nepal Introduces the Women, Work and Violence workshop

Kathmandu VAW Workshop (March 201& - Presentation on Nepal Findings

Rajni Palriwala speaking at the Women, Work and Violence Workshop in Kathmandu, March 2017

Short video interviews with some of the researchers and key stakeholders

Sumeera Shresta, Women for Human Rights (and Independent Consultant) discusses her field work

Tracy Ghale, Social Science Baha discussed the Women, Work and Violence study field work

Dr Karuna Onta, DFID Nepal discusses the Women, Work and Violence study

Suti Sahariah, UoP and Sulabh International discusses the Women, Work and Violence field study

Abriti Arjyal and Smriti Maskey, HERD International discuss the Women, Work and Violencey field work